Visual Thinking Techniques

Supports visual thinking techniques, enabling people to create and update graphic organizers, science, concept designs, idea maps and other visual techniques

Friday, November 13, 2015

Science Process Skills, Science Process Skills - The development of science science seeks to arouse the interest of man to want to improve the intelligence and understanding of nature and its contents are full of secrets that inexhaustible. With the unraveling of the secret veil of nature one by one, and the flow of information it produces, the more extensive range of science and nature terapannya born, namely technology. But from the distance of time more and more narrow, so that the slogan "Science today is the technology of tomorrow" is the motto that repeatedly proved by history. Science and technology Even now united into a culture of science and technology that is complementary (complementary), like currency, that one side contains the essence of Science (the nature of Science) and the other side contains the meaning of technology (the meaning of technology). Therefore, the process of implementation of education should include the development of technology and science for the sake of human needs in the future.

Science Process Skills
Science Process Skills

Basic Process Skills

American Association for the Advancement of Science (1970) in Devi (2011), that the classification of the basic process skills, namely:

1. Observation
Observation is one of the basic process skills. Observation skills using the five senses, namely sight, smell, touch, taste and listeners. If students get the ability to make observations using several senses, consciousness and their sensitivity to everything around it will grow, observations made using only the senses called qualitative observations, whereas the observations made using a measuring instrument called quantitative observations. Trained observation skills including train students to identify which one is right senses is used to observe an object.

2. Measuring
Klaslifikasi is a process used to hold scientist on the preparation or grouping objects or events. Classification skills can be mastered if the student has been able to do two of the following skills:
a. Identify and name yanng properties can be observed from a group of objects that can be used as a basis for classifying.
b. Classifying the set level in accordance with the properties of the object.
Classification is useful to train students show the similarities, differences and reciprocal relationship.

3. Inference
Inference is a statement made factual observations. Results inference presented as someone's opinion about something observed. Patterns of learning to practice the skills of inference process, preferably using constructivist learning theory, so students learn to formulate their own inferences.

4. Prediction
Predictions are predictions of events that can be observed at a time when that will come. Predictions are based on careful observation and inference about the relationship between some of the events that have been observed. Differences inference and prediction are: Inferences should be supported by the fact observation, while the predictions made by predicting what will happen next based on the data at the time the observations were made.

5. Clasifying
Way of thinking by combining into a single thought to draw conclusions from a variety of problems.

6. Communication
Communication skills within the meaning of expression results of other process skills both orally and in writing. In writing can be in the form of summaries, charts, tables, pictures, posters and so on. This communication skills should always be tested in the classroom, so that students are accustomed to express opinions and dare to appear in public.

Tags : how to process thingking, process skills thingking, science process skills

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